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History of the Karambit                                                    INTRODUCTION The karambit (as is spelled in the Philippines and in most Western countries), kerambit (as used in both Indonesian and Malay), kurambik, karambol or karambiak (both from the Minangkabau language) is a small Indonesian curved knife resembling a claw. The small, curved-blade knife known as the Karambit occasionally pops up in popular culture. This knife have been famous in Counter Strike: Global Offensive ( CS : GO) with numbers of attractive skin. Fans of the  Splinter Cell  video games will certainly recognize it as one of Sam Fisher’s iconic weapons, and Karambits tend to be the weapon-of-choice for assassins or enemy agents in spy flicks. But despite their unique form–or perhaps because of it, Karambits haven’t seen much exposure in the greater EDC community. The Karambit is popular in some circles of martial arts, and its roots are in Indonesia, where the knife was